
French Confessions is a tell-all on everyday life in France.
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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Local ad for a French women's basketball team...

I work in marketing and advertising in the lingerie field, so I'm always on the lookout for ads our brands that hit me in one way or another.

found this ad for a local French all women's basketball team that just came out, and also happened to create a lot of buzz, but not in a good way. Associations of all sorts are in an uproar over this 'sexist and patronizing' ad campaign that 'treats women like meat.' The head coach defends the ad (he's the one who had the idea and worked on the campaign) saying that he doesn't understand why people are shocked and that when Rugby teams do the same thing (calendars, etc.) nobody seems to care. I think he's right. But maybe I'm becoming too French.

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