
French Confessions is a tell-all on everyday life in France.
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Friday, September 23, 2011

Paris is NOT made for heels.

French women live for glamour and femininity, and heels are an essential part of achieving that.

So here's the dilemma...Paris is filled with cobblestone streets; the ones that make Paris so beautiful, that remind us of its historical past. So basically, if you want to overcome this obstacle, you've got two options:
1. Wear flats on your way from point A to B. This is not always easy, like if you're going out to a restaurant you can't really show up with another pair of shoes.
2. Learn, and suck it up.
Here's a little tip (I now pretty much consider myself a master at this form of art) to help you get a head start. Shift your weight to the balls of your feet. Don't overdo it; you don't want to look like a kangaroo. Your heels should be ever so slightly off the ground. You should also try to avoid the big gaps between cobblestones; those are killers for your heels.

The other advantage out of this is it's great exercise!

If you're interested, I'll make a step-by-step video...

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