
French Confessions is a tell-all on everyday life in France.
How are the French different from other cultures?
What makes France so amazing, silly, serious, annoying, joyful, and fun?

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Monday, September 19, 2011

First names that don't work in France..

I know that original names are interesting and all, but the world is turning into one big community (maybe that's a slight exageration on my part, but you get the idea). In my opinion, the new trend is names that work in several different languages. It's makes life easier. Names like Michelle, Marc, and Isabelle are easy to pronounce in many different languages and accents.

Let's use my name to illustrate my point: Lindsay.
I like my name, always have. I like it a little less now that I live in France.

The French pronounce it,

So, imagine you're on the phone and you ask to speak to Jon Doe. Try making yourself clear with an accent on top of it all... It's a hard task that I'm faced with on a daily basis as an American in France.

Just some food for thought for any of you who are thinking of baby names and want to live abroad one day.

(ps. the video is my voice illustrating the difference between the normal way to say 'Lindsay' and 'Lindsay' with a French accent).

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