
French Confessions is a tell-all on everyday life in France.
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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Driving in France - lesson n°1

'Priorité à droite' / The RIGHT of way

When you are driving down a street, any car coming out of a side street to your right (without a stop sign), now matter how small it is, has the right of way. See the drawing above: Car A is driving down a main road. Car B is coming out of a smaller side street. Car A has to yield to Car B. Wierd right? And I'm talking any kind of side street (except if it's a street coming out of a parking lot or a small passage parallel to the main street).

F anybody who has left/right issues (I do) this becomes very confusing.
So basically, driving down any street with several intersections is an issue for me. It's like bumper cars without the bump (at least let's hope so).

And to make all of this even more confusing, French people don't always respect the rules (I'll get into that at more length another time), meaning that even if they should stop, they don't always. So, add that to the equation and all I can say is, either don't drive in France, or slow down at intersections JUST IN CASE.

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