
French Confessions is a tell-all on everyday life in France.
How are the French different from other cultures?
What makes France so amazing, silly, serious, annoying, joyful, and fun?

Find out, chat with us, and ENJOY! or ENJOY ! (as the French would write it, with a space between the word and the explanation point).

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hi and Welcome...

Well, I guess you could say that I'm the typical American who studied abroad, with a little twist; I met a French guy during my semester abroad, and after graduation (that would be from college in NY), I moved to France and actually married the guy. And you know what? That was ten years ago. Go figure...

Anyway, I'm doing what like half of the planet does and writing about it on a blog. Wow, right? Oh, I decided to make myself more special by starting a website. Check it out: www.frenchconfessions.com / It's got more content than this blog, but will not be updated as frequently.

The idea behind my blog is to talk about everyday life in France. Most blogs and/or websites talk about traveling, or places to go, or administrative things (I'll be doing that too, obviously)...I want to talk about things that go on in everyday life in France. Little things that humor me, annoy me, that I love or that are just plain different. Things like, how the French party differently from Americans, or French childcare (which is awesome); basically the little things in life that make the French different from Americans and other countries around the world.


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